Personal Training

Monday, January 31, 2011

Partnered with Prograde Nutrition

Hi everyone this week is very exciting for me personally. First of all many great stories and awesome workouts from the clients at boot camp and 1-on-1 training.

I can't tell you how much I enjoy working with all of you.

This week kicked off with the official launch of our website and I encourage you to visit and send your friends over - Remember every time one of your friends joins one of my fitness programs as a result of you sending them to our website you will receive a FREE Personal Training Session!!

Secondly FITLORENZO has now partnered with PROGRADE NUTRITION!!!

Why Prograde Nutrition? Simple they say they are different and they claim they are willing to put that statement on the line. Listen for a few months I've personally tried some of their products and are just awesome!! Top quality products of the highest grade that deliver results!

But also in my commitment to provide you the best service in fitness, exercise and nutrition coaching; Prograde makes it easier than ever to get all the nutrition information and products you need to be successful on your fat loss journey.

This allows me to provide a simple and effective nutrition resource for all those interested in transforming their bodies in conjunction with my FITLORENZO Fitness, Fat Loss & Conditioning Programs.

My basic recommendations:
-Fish Oil, an essential ingredient if you want to maximize fat loss
-Meal Replacement Shakes, missing breakfast slows your metabolism and slows fat loss, so if you have trouble getting breakfast everyday, order some meal replacement shakes
-Multi-Vitamin (for men and women), for general health and wellness, if you aren't healthy, you can't train!

This is what I want to do for you and PROGRADE is going to help. They are giving away this FREE special report: WHAT TO NEVER EAT AFTER A WORKOUT. To download your FREE copy simply click here.

There are many new things along the way with FITLORENZO - stay tuned for more details!!! Also check your e-mail for our newsletter where I'll be sending some cool gifts for you. If you are not subscribe to our newsletter I encourage you to sign up. Its easy look to right side of this screen and you will see that all you need to do is put your name and e-mail - Done!

"Coaching You To A Higher Level Of Fitness"


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