Personal Training

Friday, June 23, 2006

Not knowing I got an awsome tip from my brother the other day, and it made the difference. Inmediately I came back to my site and redesigned the whole thing, or at least I'm trying to do so.

I don't think he even knows what he has said or showed me, but for me it gave me wings and a better perspective on what I need to accomplish.

See, sometimes in our life we lose perspective of what we want or what we are trying to go for. Maybe the family, to much work, or other stuff can drive us away from that. But it's in that exact moment that we need to stop and think... look ahead, and see if this is what we started out for.

In order to achive greatness, sometimes we struggle, sometimes, heck maybe all the time it's a tough road. But when we do reach it... no one can touch that.

If you set out like everyone else on Jan 1, I will lose weight, gain muscle mass, lose body fat, eat better, sleep more or whatever our goals where... aske yoursefl; am I there? Did I actually accomplished something out of all I set out to do? Why have I fail? (if such is the case).

Maybe we lost our focus. How to regain it? One word: "MOTIVATION".

Thats right sometimes we need to motivate ourselves. What ever works for you on this do it, just do it. If you need to open a magazine and dream of body like... do it. Look into the mirror and say, gee! what the hell happen to me, do it. Get a fitness buddy, join a club; just do it.

When you can see the benefits at the end of the road, when get even close to it. You'll know it was worth the effort.

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